
Opinion, Illustration and Design

Thoughts on annoying status update

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I find it rather unpleasant when people post attention seeking status on social media, but then again why is it supposed to be different from real life. It’s just like an exaggerated version of what anybody would do if they could shout out loud something to five hundred(or more) people at the same time.

I like to think of it as a phase, from my own experience it start by joining that new trendy thing everybody is talking about. One or two log in per week, or even less. Then with the addition of friends who have been using the network for a while, you start following their lead on how to use it. Some people stick in that phase a little bit longer than others. The thing is if all of your friend post cheesy proverb/sayings and ALL CAPS prayers, there is a lot of chance that you start like them.

The step that follows and the most interesting, is when everybody start behaving like their true self online. Interesting because everything seem either amplified or nullified. A prayer that would have seem touching just sounds desperate and ridiculous and a cheesy proposal sounds(reads) amazing.

And then there is some people who seem to have mastered the art of combining their life and social media, they know how to use it in a way that can hardly be explained. Every post seems appropriate, every update right how and where it’s supposed to be.
But then again why does it matter so much? Because social medias take a huge part in our lives and because I can’t help but be irritated by attention seeking status.

Fortunately its a lot easier to screen those than to screen people in real life.

Author: simplynumbi

I'm a constantly growing graphic designer, with belief opinions and a lot of buzzing ideas! I love what I do(design and illustration) and hope it shows!

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